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Families of Chiswick House residents band together to create personalised DVD

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After Eddie Hunn’s 100th Birthday party in isolation, his family gave him the wonderful gift of a DVD of personalised messages. Eddie was happy to watch this in the communal lounge with fellow residents and they absolutely loved it, so Kevin Hunn has taken it upon himself to create a Chiswick House Family DVD so all our residents can enjoy it. 

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We made families aware of this wonderful project in their recent family newsletter which we’ve been running since lockdown began. Each residents loved ones can submit up to three one minute videos to be featured in the DVD. This can be in the form of a personalised message for a specific resident, or a message to our entire resident group. 

It’s all about keeping them connected with their loved ones, the outside world, and showing they are not alone in being effected by the lockdown restrictions. Kevin Hunn (Eddie’s son) works as a videographer and we’re really pleased that he wants to create this special DVD for our residents.

All details for submissions has been distributed to our residents loved ones – if you are a relative or friend of our residents and would like to send content in for the DVD, please contact Kevin on the below details and follow his tips on how to format your filming. 

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